Personal Injury Protection (PIP)

Personal Injury Protection in Florida: What You Need to Know

Si usted creció en la Florida o se mudó aquí desde otro lugar, lo más probable es que usted no entiende lo que la cobertura PIP en su póliza significa. As Tampa car accident attorneys, we advise all our clients to learn what your policy coverages really mean, and PIP is a great example of this.

What is PIP?

Personal Injury Protection, referred to as PIP, is an insurance coverage required by Florida on every policy. It is a coverage that applies to only you and your passengers in the event of injury, no matter whose fault the car accident is. For example, if you are rear-ended, it is probably the other driver's fault. However, if you're injured, your insurance will pay out under your PIP coverage first before going after the other person's coverage.

It can be confusing for many people. After all, if it's the other parties' fault, shouldn't they be the ones to pay? But PIP is required by state law to help reduce insurance fraud and also speed up the process by which victims can be compensated for their injuries.

Do I Need a Lawyer for a PIP Claim?

Hiring a personal injury attorney near me is always a good idea if you've experienced a serious injury, but this is especially true in a PIP state like Florida. In cases of serious injury, there is a good chance that you will exceed your own PIP coverage and need to take the other insurance company to court. A personal injury lawyer St. Pete or Tampa can also make sure you meet the required deadlines for claims, which can be very tight. And they'll take over the legal process, giving you time and space to heal.

Call Today for Your Free PIP Consultation

At Coleman Law Group, we're experienced Tampa accident attorney who understand this state's laws backward and forward. Call us today to set up a free case evaluation with one of our experienced personal injury lawyers and find out the value of your claim.

Are you or a loved one injured in an accident? Our attorneys can help. We care and we fight hard to hold negligent parties accountable and get your life back. Let us show you what we can do for you.

¿Usted o un ser querido ha sufrido lesiones en un accidente? Nuestros abogados pueden ayudarle. Nos preocupamos y luchamos duro para responsabilizar a las partes negligentes y recuperar su vida. Permítanos mostrarle lo que podemos hacer por usted.

An Experienced Personal Injury and Accident Lawyer with Proven Results

Un Abogado con Experiencia en Lesiones Personales y Accidentes con Resultados Comprobados

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